Sunday, 15 April 2018

Interior Design

There has been a little bit of slow progress it would seem, but the time on the layout has been ticking over. 

I've been working on the interior of the station building. Using the Peco interiors as a template I have made my own out of 20 thou card.

The idea is to have two side of the wall with a piece in the middle for the door. The walls will be Railey Paints cream and the doors will be Floquil Boxcar Red to match the rest of the trim details of the building. I found that I needed to paint he benches the same colour. The green wouldn't match so I had to paint some more.

I reckon that there are four rooms in the building. The station office, the waiting room, the passage way where you buy your ticket and the ladies toilet. There will be no detail in the last room. The others however will need something. A bench, a desk, somewhere to sell tickets. I want to light the building so the wires could come up to the roof through the Ladies Room.

The floor was cut and painted using some Humbrol brown.

I don't want a consistent cover on this as it should represent a timber floor.

My thoughts on assembling all this is to glue this to the station top. Glue the lights and walls in the building. There is enough tension to hold it in place. If not then maybe a couple of spots to glue it down. But then, the interior furniture could be exposed when the layout is moved if the building is not glued down. I might need a cup of tea and a sit down to think about this one.

An other job which I have been slowly working my way through is a ticket office for a large station building. I building is part of the Gosford City Model Railroad Club which meets up at Kincumber. Most of the detail here won't be seen as it will be viewed from outside the building and from behind.

The posters are from a quick image search of travel posters. Some of them are of interesting places. I'd like to go to Winterfell one day. It sounds like a nice place. The timetable is from another image search. The departures board on the back wall is from Kings Cross. I took a photo of it when I was there a number of years ago. I had to do some jiggery-pokery on the image as it wasn't as straight on as I had originally thought

 And one last thing... April is that time of year for the annual pilgrimage to Maitland. It was great when we arrived just before 9 am. Platform 1 had CPH railmotors, Platform 2 had 3642 and its train, Platform 3 had 620/720 railmotor set and Platform 4 had 6029. It was great to set the Garrat again. Here's a short clip from the day.

Sadly, no Garrat will be seen at Billabong Marina.

Until next time.

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