Friday 2 December 2016

Gardening and Other Business

I finished off the other greenery around the marina. In the efforts of sustainability, I planted a lemon tree near the Fishy McFishface fish and chip shop.

The interior of the kiosk can wait for a while. 

I also started on a couple of more industries. I have two Dapol engine shed kits with the idea to use them for the bakery which is on the back of the layout at the other end from the oil depot. I wanted something that wagons could be shunted into and under part of the main layout but could be sealed of if being used as a stand alone layout. The swinging doors of the engine shed seemed like a good idea. I could use the side walls to make a two storey building with a loading platform and have the front of the engine shed sticking out from the edge of the scene by a couple of centimetres. I probably could have done this with one kit but I had an idea to use the rear of the buildings as the rear of buildings on some more very low relief. I made a start tonight.

Until next time.

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